Like the sand filling systems with BSS2 stations, KLEIN sand filling systems equipped with kleinSAND.max® are suitable for both indoor and outdoor operation. Thanks to their extremely slim design, kleinSAND.max® sand tank stations can be easily integrated into the spatially confined areas of depots and track fields.
The sand supply from the silo to the individual sand tank stations is fully automated using a particularly gentle conveying process. To ensure optimal adaptation of the system to the operations of each depot, each sand tank station can be controlled individually. The dust-laden return air generated during the filling and tanking processes is directed to a central filter located at the sand silo. No exhaust air flows into workspaces.
The kleinSAND.max® sand tank station is designed to eliminate the need for any recurring inspections under the European Pressure Equipment Directive.
Designed for the tightest space constraints
Available as a standing or hanging configuration, in single-pipe, double-pipe, or Y-shaped designs
Inlet head with a specialized spread plate closure and dust return to the exhaust system
One or two filling hoses per sand tank station
Sand flow speeds in the filling hoses below 0.25 m/s
Recirculation of conveying air from the sandbox to the central exhaust system
No pressure vessel requiring monitoring